How to Write Content That Converts

turn your visitors into leads

Turning visitors into leads through persuasive content should be a top consideration when creating blogs, social media posts, email campaigns, or any other form of communication for your company. This standard of writing for B2B marketing results is not just about using SEO keywords, although they are always important, it’s about addressing the reader’s needs, showcasing how you can solve them, and providing a clear path to the next steps. Now is always the time to examine what you’ve been creating and how you can elevate it to stay ahead of the curve. 

Let’s take a look at a few key elements to add within your content in order to drive conversions: 

Address pain points. It’s especially important to address an issue that your clients are having and how you provide a solution. Your content should aim to inform, educate, and provide ideas that are driven to answer your customers’ needs. Take time to do research and ensure that you are presenting your audience with support and guidance. 

Be clear and concise. Less is more. Multitasking has become a daily practice for most people, and chances are that a customer will be reading your content while doing something else. Getting to the point in a creative way will motivate your readers to focus and react accordingly. 

Audience engagement. Forming connections is a vital aspect of generating leads. Encourage interaction by serving as a genuine source of information while empowering and connecting with your customers. Answering comments, replying to emails, and being on top of audience engagement will play a role in the decision-making process of consumers. 

Include a call to action (CTA). At the end of every article or social media post, include a clear call to action that facilitates the reader to move from prospect to lead. This can include an email subscription form, a link you would like them to visit, a sign-up form, or an action your visitors can take to further engage or follow your company. Your call to action should be the factor that motivates the reader to perform that specific action and move to the next step. A call to action contributes to website visits, audience increase, and long-term brand awareness. 

Use emotion to drive action. The best way to create content that converts is to use strategy and emotion in your copy that evokes a desire for what you’re providing. Earning the trust of your audience will go a long way in not only generating paying customers, but also building a trusted and loyal community around your company. 

By implementing the points above, you can deliver content that people will find value in reading, ultimately turning those readers into prospects and leading them through the customer journey. For more information on how we can help you with your content marketing needs, visit our interactive services page here.