case study
Economic Development Council

The Economic Development Council of South Miami-Dade (EDC) is a not-for-profit, public-private organization that focuses on job creation and economic growth for the South Miami-Dade County area. The EDC symbolizes local grassroots participation in economic development by drawing on local community business and government leaders and residents, thus creating a vital link between the public and private sectors. The organization’s primary objective is to support the expansion and retention of existing businesses, to increase the overall economic vitality of our communities, and to attract new, diversified businesses and new jobs to the South Miami-Dade.
Velocitas was selected to create a new, easy-to-navigate website for EDC that includes some of the latest, cutting-edge technologies currently utilized on corporate websites. With the recently launched South Dade | More to Explore marketing brand, the website will focus on the promotion of South Dade to tourism and economic development efforts. The website is a content management system that is easily edited and updated by EDC staff members and other designated individuals.
Create Awareness
Collaborate With Local Business
Promotion of Exhibition
Social Media
Digital Strategy
Web Design
Content Creation

Velocitas worked alongside the EDC Board and the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau to create a website that facilitates all functionalities requested and provides easily accessible information about South Miami-Dade and its many flourishing businesses.